Totes are among the most used bags arounds in all levels. From market bags to shopping bags to weekend travel bags. All sorts of designs and materials make interesting totes.
After giving preloved garments their second lives after alteration, a lot of materials were left stacking up in the store. As I was checking on them, I find how great are the textures and colors there are in the different materials used in fashion clothing today. Instead of throwing them away, I found some good use for them. Check out what they have become. Great totes!
Black corduroy, beige corduroy, striped cotton denims. |
Pre-owned sunglasses, Fishbone. Pre-owned wallet, Gucci. |
Pre-owned wallet, Coach. Pre-owned Sunglasses, X-Ice, Accessories, creations of my friend, Divina. |
Pre-owned sunglasses, Morgan. Pre-owned red wallet, Vivienne Westwood. Necklace, Divina's Creations. |
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